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1775, 23 Agosto. Carta de Metcalf Bowler, porta-voz da Assembleia de Rhode Island para o General Court de Massachusetts, recomendando Aaron Lopez / Letter from Metcalf Bowler, speaker of the Assembly of Newport to the General Court of Massachusetts, interceding for Aaron Lopez

Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Lee M. Friedman, “Some Further Sidelights on Aaron Lopez”, The Jewish Quaterly Review, vol. 45, no. 4, Tercentenary Issue, April 1955, p. 563
Aaron Lopez; Metcalf Bowler; Falkland Islands; Massachusetts; Newport; Baleeiro;
Carta de Metcalf Bowler, porta-voz da Assembleia de Rhode Island, recomendando ao Tribunal Geral da colónia de Massachusetts que autorize Aaron Lopez a empreender viagens de baleeiros para as Falkland Islands.

Metcalf Bowler asks the General Court of Massachusetts to grant Aaron Lopez to sail out on whaling voyages to the Falkland Islands.

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1775, 29 Agosto. Petição de Aaron Lopez ao Conselho da colónia de Massachusetts. / Petition of Aaron Lopez to the Council of the colony of Massachusetts Bay

Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Lee M. Friedman, “Some Further Sidelights on Aaron Lopez”, The Jewish Quaterly Review, vol. 45, no. 4, tercentenary issue, April 1955, p. 564
Massachusetts Aaron Lopez Baleeiros
Aaron Lopez pede permissão para enviar duas embarcações para o mar destinadas à pesca de baleia.

Aaron Lopez beggs the Council of Massachusetts Bay to grant him liberty to send two vessels to sea on whaling voyages.

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1780, 19 Abril. Petição apresentada ao Congresso Continental por James Wilson e William Lewis a respeito da protecção aos bens de Aaron Lopez. / Petition presented by James Wilson and William Lewis to the Continental Congress for protection for Aaron Lopez's estate.

Papers of the Continental Congress, n.º 78, vol. 24, p. 199 in Herbert Friedenwald, “Memorials presented to the Continental Congress”, Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, 2, 1894, pp. 126-127
Filadélfia; Massachusetts; Aaron Lopez; James Wilson; William Lewis; Samuel Huntington; Benjamin Wright; Jamaica; Continental Congress; Revolução Americana
James Wilson e William Lewis pedem ao Congresso Continental, na pessoa do seu presidente Samuel Huntington, protecção aos bens que Aaron Lopez possuía na Jamaica e que, na sequência da guerra, se encontravam ameaçados. A protecção alarga-se ao seu feitor na ilha, o Cap. Benjamin Wright.

James Wilson and William Lewis address Samuel Huntington, President of the Continental Congress, a petition for protecting Aaron Lopez's property in Jamaica, which was threatened by the Revolutionary war. This protection should be extended to the estate of Captain Benjamin Wright, Lopez's factor in Jamaica.

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Família Lopez
As raízes portuguesas