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Nathaniel Greene
1765, 10 Abril, Providence. Carta de Nathaniel Greene para Aaron Lopez / Letter from Nathaniel Greene to Aaron Lopez
Commerce of Rhode Island 1726-1800, vol. I: 1726-1774, Boston, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1914, p. 116
Aaron Lopez; Nathaniel Greene; Providence; Newport; Nantucket
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Commerce of Rhode Island 1726-1800, vol. I: 1726-1774, Boston, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1914, p. 116
Aaron Lopez; Nathaniel Greene; Providence; Newport; Nantucket
Nathaniel Greene pede uma explicação para o facto de 15 barris de 40 galões que havia enviado a Aaron Lopez lhe terem sido devolvidos.
Nathaniel Greene asks Aaron Lopez about the reason why 15 40 gallon casks were sent back.
Nathaniel Greene asks Aaron Lopez about the reason why 15 40 gallon casks were sent back.
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