
Usque Collection

Usque is a name that invokes the diaspora. Samuel, the author of Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel. Abraham, the printer of this masterpiece of Sephardic culture in exile that has become an inspiration. The Usque Collection is a CESAB editorial project dedicated to the critical edition of sources that are key to the knowledge of the multifaceted Sephardic Diaspora.

Monographic Series

The Monographic Series Alberto Benveniste publishes monographs on the Sephardic diaspora, the Iberian Jewish communities, and other related subjects, as well as collective works resulting from the scientific activities organised by CESAB or in partnership with other research centres in Portugal and abroad.

Other editions

Our editions are not confined to the Série Monográfica and the Colecção Usque. Alone or in partnership with other institutions, CESAB publishes other works within its key areas: the Sephardic Diaspora, New Christians, and the Inquisition.

CESAB newsletter

The CESAB newsletter is an information bulletin about the activities and projects developed by the Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas Alberto Benveniste. In its pages, we also publicise the most recent editions, as well as the initiatives in which the researchers of the centre took part or organised.