Nota prévia
Parte I – Dossier: Judeo-Christian Sephardic and Iberian Identities. Guest editor: Claude B. Stuczynski
Claude B. Stuczynski – Introduction: What does “Judeo-Christianity” mean in Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberia?
Erika Tritle – Many Rivers, One Sea, and the Dry Land: Jews and Conversos in the Political Theology of Alonso de Cartagena
Nadia Zeldes – Arguments for a Judeo-Christian Identity in the Writings of Antonio de Ferrariis: Pro-Converso Polemics in Southern Italy
Axel Kaplan Szyld – Motivos judeo-cristianos en el pensamiento de Fray Luis de Granada (1504-1588)
Ronnie Perelis – Turning and Turning Towards the Lord: Protestant Ideas and the Religious Journey of Manoel Cardoso de Macedo from Old Christian to Calvinist to Jew
Alexander Van der Haven – Jewish-Christianity and the Confessionalization of Amsterdam’s Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Jewish Community
Parte II – Artigos
Eleazar Gutwirth – Judeo-Mudéjar?: Identities, Letters and Numbers in Toledan Synagogues
Marcus Vinicius Reis – “Porque sabe que as mulheres são amigas de novidades e curiosidades”: os géneros de mulher feiticeira e de cristã-nova a partir do processo de Simoa de São Nicolau
Hugo Martins – Os rabinos da comunidade judaico-portuguesa de Hamburgo entre 1652 e 1682
Parte III – Recensões
Angelo Adriano Faria de Assis – Anita Novinsky, Viver nos tempos da Inquisição, São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2018
Carla Vieira e Susana Bastos Mateus – Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe, The Cambridge History of Judaism, vol. 7: The Early Modern World, 1500-1815, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
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