Conferência de Francesco Guidi Bruscoli (Universidade de Florença, Itália) – ‘Um homem de grossa fazenda’: Bartolomeo Marchionni and the Portuguese trade in the age of the European expansion

27 de Março, 18h, sala 5.2. da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Bartolomeo Marchionni is probably the most illustrious foreign merchant active in Lisbon in the early sixteenth century. Yet no comprehensive study has been written on him. This conference will present the results of an extensive research undertaken in Italian and Portuguese archives and will show the wideranging activity of Marchionni in fields like trade with India, slave trade, sugar trade and international finance.

Francesco Guidi Bruscoli is researcher at the University of Florence, where he teaches Economic history. He is also Senior Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London, and Visiting Fellow at Bristol University. His research concentrates mainly on Renaissance trade and banking. His publications include Papal Banking in Renaissance Rome, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007. He is currently working on a book on Bartolomeo Marchionni.